Saturday, March 12, 2005


Hey, folks. This game's been passed around a whole heck of a lot, but none of the others felt like taking it, due it's... well... distinctly anti-robotic stance. The bad guys are robots, see, and that pretty much knocks down any hope of a fair review out of Robot 1, or JC-65, who have some robot pride. The Hypermind, on the otherhand, is just sort of a jerk, so he wouldn't do it. Ultimately, it all comes down to the only guy here with an organic component. This wouldn't happen if everyone were equal... but I digress. Oh, well. On to the review.

N is a simple, but difficult game, in which you control a little ninja, trying to collect gold and escape from evil robots.

It's fun, bat addicting and some of the hardest levels are frustrating.

Um, I'm done. I don't really have all that much to say... well, I'll say this, it's a quality independant game, not a tool of the big corperations, and that sits nicely with me. But, then, it's about getting lots of gold, which doesn't. But then, there's no indication that he's collecting gold to spend it... he might just like shiney things. That, I can relate to. I'm 35% shiney things by volume. So, yeah. Um... that's good, I guess. I don't even know. I'm out of it. I'm just gonna go make some new pamphlets.

Oh, yeah, N gets a 4.5 out of 5. It's good, it's free, and it sticks it slightly to the man. Go for it.