Thursday, July 01, 2004


So, what's going on here? Welcome to R.E.V.I.E.W.S. I'm Ed, and I'm the guy who keeps all the robots running smoothly. They'll be reviewing things. Movies, mostly, but television shows, books, games, music, food, web sites, whatever. Anything that can be reviewed, we'll sent a bot over to review it. You can meet the robots by clicking on their pictures over on the sidebar. We've got Robot 1, the first robot, JC-65, a modern cleaning unit, Time Stalin, cyborg dictator, and the Hypermind, superintelligent and from the future.

Questions that, were any questions ever asked of me, would be frequently asked:

  • Robot 1 is so cute! Where can I get one? Sadly, Robot 1's model has been recalled, discontinued and destroyed due to... problems.
  • What's the deal with JC-65? You know what I mean... The deal with JC-65 is that he's a flaming homosexual. Or, he would be, if robots had sexes. Or, uh, sex.
  • Time Stalin seems familiar. Where have I seen him before? Time Stalin originally appeared at Ed's Olde Tyme Array of Frabtabulous Amazery, and is often seen battling with his arch-nemesis Dr. Whomever.
  • Is the Hypermind seeing anyone right now? The Hypermind sees everyone, at all times. I don't understand the question.
  • What do you do around here, Ed? Oh, basic upkeep. Tend to any glitches and rusting. Make sure everyone has enough electricity/food/plutonium/coal, as appropriate. That's all.
  • Do you mind if I ask a few out of character questions? Yeah, sure. Go ahead.
  • Okay, who actually writes all this? I do. Ed. I'm every robot. Good for me!
  • Who are you? I'm Ed, and I established this site as a little offshoot of my personal weblog.
  • What's the deal with January 1, 2004? Ah, well, January first is the dumping ground for pages like this, that aren't reviews. The bios are there too. Until I figure out a way to make posts entirely invisible on the main page, you end up with a date that's just titles and posted by info. Ignore it.
  • What did you use to make those pictures? Macromedia Fireworks, mostly, and a few pictures I culled from the internet for Time Stalin and Robot 1.
  • Why robots? Because otherwise the acronym wouldn't work. It was down to robots, reverends, and rabbits, and robots won the coin toss.
  • What kind of coin did you use? I don't want to talk about it.