The Hypermind
Greetings primitive humans, I am the Hypermind. I come from a future so distant that it would not do your feeble twenty-first century brains to think about it. Why, to even begin fathoming the distance I've traveled through time and space would kill you. Instantly! And that nothing compared to the relative depths of my intelligence, and your ignorance. To get a feel for it, one that should only give you a mild headache, assuming you're intelligent enough to begin comprehending it at all, try to imagine the size differential between what you call the Universe and a single, unjoined Repticon. A Repticon... oh! Oh, that's right, you haven't discovered Repticons yet, have you? They make up quarks, in the same sense that a single ham & cheese sandwich makes up the entirety of existence as we know it.
Yes, that made sense. It's not my fault if you can't understand it. You were just unfortunate enough to have lived in what is collectively considered to be the stupidest 20,000 years of human history.
About me; my form is utterly unimaginable, as is my age, as well as my interests, ambitions, and my opinions regarding walks on the beach. I will tell you this: before I had existed for ten of your seconds, I had already calculated pi to the last digit. Turns out it's three. It seemed obvious to me at the time, I was almost surprised no one had gotten it before. But then, humans will always be humans.
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